
Realism Paintings in Oil by Khalda Hamouda

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Art of Original Realism Oil Paintings

Pricing Original Oil Paintings of Realism Style

Pricing artworks of contemporary realistic original oil paintings is something really confusing. If you have a look at the present widest world wide database of oil paintings prices of different international artists whether for contemporary original oil paintings or for the old master's original oil paintings, you will find the reason why pricing original oil paintings needs experience and deep research .

There are too many questions to ask when you want to evaluate an original oil painting. Besides, the point of view of the artist is different than that of the art collector, and the estimation of an art gallery could be different from them both !

The Artist Estimation Factors

* How much is the artist attached emotionally to his own original oil painting .

* How much time and effort did he spent to finish his original oil painting .

* At how much price does the artist think he can sell his oil painting according to his own estimation in his available market - and this may change signfically according to the fluctuation of that specific market and his changing ability to reach his customers.

The Art collector Estimation Factors

* The popularity of the artist of the painting .

* The availability of auction houses records of the artist's previous selling prices .

* The date of producing the original oil painting - the older the painting is ,the higher would be its price in condition that it is physically good.

* The art collector personal estimation of the painting price according to the selling market location and condition .With the help of Online resources a comparison of prices of other semilar oil paintings painted by other artists could help to recognize the rate of prices of that specific artist who produced the oil painting.

The Art Dealer Estimation Factors

* I do not think that there are specific general rules regarding how each art gallery deals with pricing each artist's painting, but I beleive that the existance of art dealers helps the increase of the artist"s paintings prices.

This website published 2009 is copyright protected
All rights reserved to Khalda Hamouda.